Getting started - Private JVM Tomcat

Deploying JSP/WAR/Servlets

Directory where you should upload your WARs is:

To stop tomcat: $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ or better jk

To start tomcat: $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ or better js

To restart tomcat:
jr You can also start/stop/restart via browser using Java Control Panel.

The official documentation of Tomcat 7 is at:

To change Tomcat or JDK:

You can change Tomcat and JDK versions in Java Control Panel. You will find Java Control Panel URL in 'New Hosting Account Created' email.

To map requests/URLs to webserver or Tomcat:

Instead of having all resources served by tomcat you may want to have static or non-java (e.g. PHP) resources to be served by webserver from ~/public_html. To add, remove and modify mappings for static files php, cgi, perl, images - you need to use Java Control Panel. By default you have following ProxyPass configuration:

ProxyPass /stats/ !
ProxyPass /webmail/ !
ProxyPass /cpanel/ !
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:Port/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:Port/